See what Clinicians are Saying about Endosee
Patient history
36-year-old, G0P0, single female presented for donor insemination.
Diagnostic workup was significant for uterine polyps noted at SIS.
Patient underwent a diagnostic and operative hysteroscopy with resection of uterine polyps. After 3 unsuccessful ovulation induction-donor insemination cycles, patient elected to proceed with IVF and was placed on oral contraceptive pills for cycle synchronization. After discussion, we decided to reevaluate the uterine cavity and perform a trial transfer prior to IVF.
Direct visualization with Endosee was performed to reassure the patient and myself that no new polyps were present, as suggested by pelvic ultrasound.
Multiple endometrial cavity defects consistent with polyps were noted.
Experience with Endosee
“Endosee allowed myself and the patient a direct assessment of the uterine cavity. We were both surprised to see the reoccurrence and extent of intrauterine pathology that I was not able to appreciate on pelvic sonogram. This patient is scheduled for a second Endosee after discontinuing the oral contraceptives to see if the polyps resolve. If not, she will be scheduled for a second operative hysteroscopy.”

Wright State University,
Boonshoft School of Medicine,
Dayton, OH